TU Professor gets national recognition for study

TU biology professor Dr. Warren Booth has garnered national recognition for his work on a bedbug study, in collaboration with many other researchers of various nationalities. Booth co-authored the study, which found its way into “Molecular Ecology” and also was subject of a column by Carl Zimmer, a science writer for the New York Times. […]

Eye on the World

IS targets bombed by Egypt On Monday, Egyptian jets bombed Islamic State targets in the Libyan city of Derna. The strikes were Egypt’s response to a video showing the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians. This video is the first to have originated from outside IS territory in Syria and Iraq. Days later, Egyptian President […]

Campus Crime Watch

The Collegian does not produce or edit the Campus Crime Watch except for content and brevity. Feb. 12 5:30 p.m. Officers investigated a suspicious person at Keplinger Hall. Upon arrival officers spoke with a former student who matched the description of the suspicious person. They were disgruntled upon our contact with them and stated that […]

Panel to tackle stigmas surrounding transgender issues

On Thursday, Feb. 26th, HeadStrong, Pride, and Women’s and Gender Studies organizations will be working together to host a panel on Trans Identities and Mental Health. The panel will be held in Chapman Lecture Hall at 7 pm that evening. Tara Grigson is a sophomore and founder of the student organization HeadStrong, which advocates for […]

Construction Notice

The I-244 highway running through Tulsa is projected to be under construction through the month of March. The construction will affect areas around Lewis running East to West, and around 11th to Pine running North to South. There will be lane and ramp closures on the highway. The project is estimated to cost $36.2 million, […]

11th Street businesses ousted, some fail to recover

In 2006, the University of Tulsa bought out property along 11th Street, with the goal of building along the property. This, of course, caused the uprooting of a few businesses along the way. Starship Records and Tapes and Metro Diner were two businesses that were forced to move. Today, these businesses have experienced varied success. […]

Tulsa Public Schools bond measures up for vote

Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) may soon have funding for several new projects if four different bond issues pass on March 3. In order to pass, each initiative needs 60 percent support. The first initiative is the largest at $239.74 million. This money would cover improvements for TPS facilities and is divided into 19 items. The […]

Photo Club, months in the making, finally ordained

TU Photo Club is a newly chartered organization that hopes to spread photography throughout campus and the surrounding neighborhoods. Although the club was only recently made official, Dan Farnum, their faculty advisor, said the club has been in planning since last summer when he and two other students volunteered with Kendall-Whittier Elementary School students. The […]

Flags in KEP represent engineering students

The heart of Keplinger Hall is decorated with a multitude of flags heralding from countries across the globe as well as a multitude of U.S. states. But a question remains: what do the flags mean? Is it university specific or are they just thrown out there for looks? “The flags represent the countries of students […]