Senator Marco Rubio reintroduced the bill on March 9, 2021. courtesy

Sunshine Protection Act approved by Senate

The bill would make Daylight Saving Time permanent in the U.S. year-round. The Sunshine Protection Act was passed in the Senate with unanimous consent on March 15. This bill will end the commonly hated practice of changing the clocks twice a year and make Daylight Saving Time permanent across the country — if it survives […]

The University of Maryland Medical Center was given a special dispensation to perform the surgery. courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Man with genetically modified pig heart dies

David Bennett lived with the heart of a genetically modified pig for two months before dying of unknown causes. David Bennett, the first man to receive a heart transplant from a genetically modified pig, died earlier this month. 57-year-old Bennett survived for two months with the heart transplant until finally passing on. Bennett was terminally […]

courtesy @Pennswimdive

Lia Thomas’ championship performance causes uproar

Spectators argue whether Thomas should be able to compete with women, says sports writer Ben Bowdon. The NCAA Women’s Swimming National Championships were hosted by Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia, from March 16-19. University of Virginia won the competition for the second year in a row, while Stanford University fell shortly behind. 13 out of […]

Rejecting the proposition required several Republicans to vote against the bill. courtesy

Vouchers bill defeat a win for education

Funding unaccountable private institutions would be detrimental to Oklahoma public schools. Last Wednesday, March 23, the Oklahoma Senate failed to pass Senate Bill 1647, titled the “Oklahoma Empowerment Act.” The bill would have given qualifying Oklahoma students the ability to opt out of public school enrollment and instead receive funds to spend on education-related expenses. […]

TU Cats shares a picture of Ginger. courtesy @TU_cats1

Are TU Instagram accounts worth your time?

Writer Margaret Laprarie rates TU Instagram accounts on their relevancy, aesthetic and influence. If you’re a TU student with an Instagram account, you’ve probably received a random follow (or even a feature!) from one of the many TU-related Instagrams that have appeared over the last several months. There seems to be no rhyme or reason […]

Weezer released "SZNZ: Spring" on March 20. courtesy Picador

Weezer’s “SZNZ: Spring” EP offers optimism

The first of four seasonal EP releases, Weezer’s “SZNZ: Spring” delivers upbeat songs inspired by Vivaldi’s “Spring” movement. Earlier this month, Weezer announced their plan to release four EPs, each one coordinating with the change of season. The first EP of the tetralogy, “SZNZ: Spring,” released on the spring equinox, March 20. In an Instagram […]

Posters around campus are scratch and sniff with the sweet, comforting scent of laundry detergent. graphic by Anna Johns

TU’s Springfest headliner announced: your mom

Yes, you read correctly. Your mother will headline this year’s Springfest. Springfest is an incredibly important annual tradition on TU campus as the event is usually well-attended and well-received—and it’s the only time that students actually pay any attention to whatever Student Association does. Feeling the pressure for this year’s festival, SA tirelessly deliberated and […]