Announcement: Racism over

This week, I was doing some casual data mining to check up on the loyal citizens of the State-Run Media, and I realized something strange. It seems that Racism is over.

I know, I was super surprised too. But the evidence is too overwhelming to ignore.

In 2013, black men made only 73 cents for every dollar a white man made, and black women made only 64 cents for the same dollar. And even last week, people with “white sounding” names were twice as likely to get a job over equally qualified people with “non-white sounding” names. But that’s all over.

Someone told CEOs that racism was over, and they immediately changed it and started paying people of color more. Some CEOs are even promoting people of color into leadership positions. Their kindheartedness is amazing.

Ferguson police approach an African American man in order to inform him that Racism is finally over. Taken out of context, of course, this could be construed the wrong way.

Ferguson police approach an African American man in order to inform him that Racism is finally over. Taken out of context, of course, this could be construed the wrong way.

They could just keep the status quo since it’s cheaper for them, but CEOs realized that a fairly paid workforce contributes to more consumerism and less population growth, so overall, it contributes to the economy. It’s amazing that they’re not just shortsighted and greedy, but there you go.

In 2014, more black men between 20 and 24 were killed by the police than any other group, and people of color were disproportionately killed by police, with black and Native American men most likely to be killed. But police saw these numbers and, instead of getting defensive or racist, decided to educate themselves on unconscious bias and de-escalation of force. So now, on top of not killing people of color willy nilly, police aren’t shooting people just because they have a mental illness either.

Because people of color are more likely to grow up in poor, underprivileged areas and therefore less likely to have the same access to educational opportunities, programs were put in place to take that into consideration when assessing college admissions. Wait, no, that’s affirmative action, and it’s been in place for years. But really, who could argue with that?

And, most importantly, yesterday when I was on Tumblr, no one called me a cracker. So Racism is totally over, you guys!

Post Author: tucollegian

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