A list of organizations catering towards A&S students
Aside from the honors societies, such as Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science honor society, and Pi Alpha Theta, the History honor society, which are only open to juniors and seniors, the Arts and Sciences at TU has several clubs that new and returning students could get involved with, whether by an executive position or just coming to their events. Many of these are media-heavy such as TU Film Club, TUTV Media Lab and The Collegian.
Each of these three organizations cater to different interests. For those wanting to gather with other film buffs, the TU Film Club may be of most interest. This club intends to host screenings of movies, discuss other screenings and take trips to theaters. Furthermore, being of a major somehow affiliated with Media Studies or film is not necessary as this club is open to all. To get involved, go to their instagram (@utulsafilmclub) and join their GroupMe via the link in their bio.
If, instead of watching and discussing film, you are more interested in the production of shows or podcasts, the TUTV Media Lab is also an option. TUTV hosts live shows that act like weekly news round-ups, covering topics from local sports to global entertainment. During October, they have a special show in which they host a stream full of spooky skits. Aside from their live shows, TUTV also has a podcast lab known as Studio 151 in which students can start their own podcasts covering almost any topic they wish. Some previous podcasts include Let’s Talk Anime, in which the hosts discuss their favorite animes and give their best takes, Dude, What Happened?, which reviews apocalyptic movies and media, and Big Hater Energy, a political and social commentary podcast covering topics from elections to Beyonce. These podcasts are posted anywhere podcasts are made available, such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts, so for those interested in the production of media or want to spout their hottest takes, the TUTV Media Lab is available. To get involved, visit their instagrams (@tutvnews and @tustudio151) and hope they post the links to their GroupMes or try to catch them at the Activities Fair Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the Dietler Commons.
Aside from video-form media, there are options for those interested in writing. For instance, TUTV’s crew is more than just those who are producing and presenting the live shows and individuals may come on as writers, composing segments and skits for TUTV’s shows. Or, you can join the best organization this campus has to offer — The Collegian. This is TU’s (paying) student-run newspaper that is comprised of several sections including News, which covers the objective truth; Commentary, in which yappers get to yap to their heart’s content or the 1500 word limit; Sports, which covers both national and school athletics; Variety, which includes a bunch of random topics such as a meet your professor section called See me after class and Get to know a club; and Satire, the most fun section. To join, come to our pitch meetings on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. in Oliphant 110 and give us your greatest pitch or take an existing one. Please come join us, we are begging you.
Non-media centered clubs include the Spanish Club (known as La Tertulia), a Spanish speaking club facilitated by native Spanish-speaking professors that provides an excellent way to practice your Spanish skills, and the Psychology Club (@utulsapsychclub), which hosts events to promote mental health, gives out free food and promotes opportunities for psychology students to get involved in the field, especially through their Psychology Fair. Another fun club to partake in is the History Club (@tuhistoryclub), which, in addition to having free food at all their events, screens movies about historic events, such as their screening of Farha, which talks about the 1948 mass expulsion of Palestinains, and hosts talks regarding the history of holidays, like their History of Halloween event. For those interested in political science, the working of government and passage of bills, mock trial, speech and debate, or journalism, Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature (O.I.L), is a fantastic opportunity. For five days once a semester, the university sends a handful of students on a trip to the Oklahoma Capitol to present and debate bills they’ve written, participate in mock trials or work on journalistic pieces about the event. For those who write and present bills, the organization gives the opportunity to have your bill be placed on the desk of Oklahoma congress people for them to look at, provided the bill does well during session. This, like most of the other organizations, is open to all individuals regardless of major. To join, visit their instagram (@tu_oil) or catch them at the activities fair.
Participation in these clubs are open to all, regardless of major or previous experience, so join a meeting, get some free food and make some friends.