Tim Coburn will head new school of Energy Economics

TU’s School of Energy Economics, Policy and Commerce was created on July 1, 2014, with Professor Tim Coburn as the director of the school. Headed under the Collins College of Business, this school comes seven years after the creation of the first energy-focused business degree. This school hopes to give students a background in energy […]

Celtic music at LPC Thursday

For those who love the movie “Braveheart” or the musical group Celtic Women, they’ll love this coming Concerts with Commentary. The program, entitled “Songs of Life and Love,” will be performed by the group Vintage Wildflowers on Thursday, February 12th at 7:30 p.m. at Lorton Performance Center. Abby Bozarth on fiddle, Dana Fitzgerald Maher on […]

University launches new website

This week marks the launch of the new University of Tulsa website. What used to be a website that was clunky and hard to navigate is now smooth and well-organized. However, the brand new website limped out of the gate, frequently inaccessible in the first several hours post-launch. The instability was eventually taken care of, […]

First ever Void essay contest

1. Tell a joke about death. 2. The late 19th century Danish author Searing Alterrailgard begins his magnum opus with the following observation: “It was the fragility of my fragility that at first perplexed me. That I could with a thought, nay, with but a fluttering approaching the potency of a thought, imagine myself into […]

Nicolas Cage erotica confuses, frustrates

Do you know what Nicolas Cage sounds like when he’s having sex? Neither did I, until I read the short erotica story, “I Did Nicolas Cage’s Clone,” by Olive Scratch, author of “Seducing Genghis Khan,” “Once Upon A Dumpster,” and the classic “I Did Slenderman At Viking Fest.” The first half of the story explains […]

TU Ten: Oklahoma State Symbols

1. Buffalo (State Mammal): Okay, we’re starting out pretty strong here. Everyone loves buffalo (buffalos?). They’re like real life teddy bears. So like bears, I guess. Anyway, this choice is slightly marred by the tragic irony of the buffalo being hunted nearly to extinction by the western settlement that we celebrate so enthusiastically. 2. Common […]

On TU’s brand of justice

The University of Tulsa suspended a student 11 hours from graduation, without a hearing, without presenting compelling evidence and for something the student didn’t even say himself. TU then threatened disciplinary action when the student newspaper began investigating the suspension, without citing which university policies the newspaper supposedly violated. The implications for student life at […]