December 5
10:20 p.m.
Officers located and identified an unauthorized solicitor near Rayzor Hall. The solicitor was identified as belonging to a non-existent charity organization seeking cash donations from students. The solicitor was issued a Trespass Warning and escorted off-campus.
10:45 p.m.
Officers are investigating a non-aggravated assault that occurred at 4th Pl. & Gary Pl. A non-TU male threw a traffic cone at a TU student’s vehicle, breaking a fog lamp. When the victim got out of the vehicle to move the cone, the suspect pushed the victim causing him to cut his finger on the broken fog light. The suspect left the campus prior to Officers arrival but was identified by a witness as a student of a local high school. The investigation is pending.
December 6
12:15 a.m.
Officers were dispatched to the 3500 building in Mayo Village for the second noise complaint of the night shift coming from apartment #3512. When officers entered the apartment it was determined that there was underage drinking. On duty PSM was contacted and officers conducted a party shutdown.
2:30 a.m.
Officers responded to an ill student. When they arrived they found a student intoxicated and throwing up in Fisher South Hall who stated they had been at a Kappa Sig party. After being interviewed by EMSA personnel the student declined to go to the hospital for further treatment and evaluation.
10:20 p.m.
Officers went to the 7th St House to trespass ban 3 persons not affiliated with the university. While attempting to contact the 3 persons the odor of marijuana was noticed from a room occupied by a TU student and 2 of the 3 non affiliated persons. A room search was conducted and the 3 persons were trespass banned.. The investigation is pending.
December 9
1:30 p.m.
Officers were dispatched for a physical plant employee who became stuck inside an elevator at the H.A. Stadium. A physical plant employee was able to get the elevator back in working order. Once the elevator was back in working order the individual inside was able to get out of the elevator. The individual that was stuck inside the elevator sustained no injuries and did not want to seek medical treatment.
December 10
4:50 p.m.
An Officer on patrol observed water running from a vacant University owned house at 2540 E. 6th St. Upon further investigation, it was determined that unknown suspects had broken into the house and removed a water line that caused the flooding. Physical Plant workers were able to shut the water off at the street.
1:00 p.m.
Officers conducting a follow-up investigation to the supplemental information provided by a sexual assault victim learned that the two new allegations of sexual assault involved the same suspect and occurred in November of 2013 in Stillwater, OK and in June of 2014 at the US West Apartments. The suspect, who is not affiliated with the university, is known to the victim. The suspect in this incident has been contacted by Campus Security and has been banned from campus. Tulsa Police are investigating the criminal aspect of the allegations.
3:45 p.m.
Officers are investigating hate mail directed towards a campus student organization. The student representative picked up the organization’s mail at the Student Union and opened a package containing rotten food and a threatening letter. Tulsa Police are also investigating.
December 13
5:00 a.m.
Officers responded to a report of an alcohol violation in LaFortune Hall. Upon arrival, Officers identified 2 students who admitted to drinking alcohol in their room despite not being of legal age to drink alcohol. Officers ensured they did not possess more alcohol and disposed of the rest.
December 18
1:40 p.m.
This rape report has been investigated by Campus Security and the victim has filed a report with the Tulsa Police Department. The known suspect is not affiliated with the University.
December 30
11:05 p.m.
Officers responded to Brown Village Apartments for stolen property. Upon arrival, Officers spoke to the victim of the residence. The victim stated she was gone for one week and on her arrival back at her residence she noticed several of her items were stolen. Officers questioned the victim and had her fill out a statement form. Officers advised the victim that a report would be filed. All Officers then cleared the scene with no further incident.
January 11
9:15 p.m.
An Officer was flagged down by a student’s parents. The parents believed the student to be on campus and they had been unable to contact or locate him for several hours. Officers assisted the parents and know acquaintances were contacted, however, the student was not located. The parents received information that led them to believe he was possibly in Broken Arrow, OK with a friend.
January 14
8:05 a.m.
A TU Staff member was approached by an unknown suspect while parking her vehicle on an off campus residential street. The reporting party stated the suspect was yelling at her but did not follow her onto campus. Officers were unable to find the suspect due to the time lapse of the call..