Get to know a club

Get to know a club is a column where students can read about the different clubs on campus and what they do.
If you are ever in the mood to dance to country music with 20 of your closest friends, look no further than The University of Tulsa Two-Step club. Since the beginning of the school year, the Two-Step club has garnered a lot of university attention, increasing its attendance to meetings. Dancers were featured on the UTulsa Instagram, showcasing a variety of flips and spins between members. However, do not be deterred by these extravagant moves you see advertised, the club is a perfect home for beginners and experts alike.

Jared Hallahan, an executive officer of the Two-tep club, answered all the questions one might have about joining the popular club.

What happens in Two-Step?
We dance to country music, there’s not much more than that. We two-step, we teach each other new moves and we line dance a little bit. There’s only a handful of line dances that we do every week, but they are easy to learn if you haven’t seen them before. Dances like “Copper Head Road,” “Burn it to the Ground,” “Country Girl (Shake it for Me)” and “Footloose” are some of the line dances we do.

How can students get involved in Two-Step?
We meet every Thursday evening between 8:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. in the Maebee Gym, so if students are interested they should come then. We also have a GroupMe that students can join or an Instagram to follow if students are interested.

What events and opportunities does the Two-Step club offer?
We team up with BYX every year for one of our events, that happened in October. We also team up with BCM for one of the hoedowns that they throw. Occasionally, the club will go downtown together to Whiskey 918 or to Rodeo Nightclub to two-step off campus.

Any of these events coming up soon?
This Thursday Nov. 16, we’re going to Rodeo. During the normal Two-Step club time on Thursday evening, we’re going to meet up at Maebee Gym and then all drive together downtown. It’s better to be in Rodeo because you’re able to take the club off campus and it gives members an opportunity to two-step with more people outside of the club. Also, Rodeo is open to ages 18 and up so more people in the club can attend.

What should students know to get started with the Two-Step club?
All you need is yourself, just show up. You don’t need to know anything about two-step before coming on Thursdays, all skill levels are welcome. Don’t worry about coming alone or bringing a partner, everyone is really nice and you will always find someone to dance with quickly. I just taught someone new how to dance last week.

What should you expect if you show up as a beginner?
To go through the basics of two-stepping with a more experienced person showing you the ropes to everything. Some of the easy two-step moves you might learn in the beginning are the neck dip, the lawnmower, the backflip — that one is actually super easy, it’s one of the first moves that people learn that involve your feet leaving the ground. Some of the super basic, classic moves are the arm breaker and the table top.

Why do you think someone should join Two-Step?
I’ve met friends through the club. It’s a great place to come meet new friends and learn to dance.

Who can students contact with questions about the Two-Step club?
President Madeline Jennings, or anyone in the Two-Step club.

Post Author: Callie Hummel