Get to know a club is a column where students can read about the different clubs on campus and what they do.
The Running Association of The University of Tulsa, also known as Running Club, is a group for students of all skill levels to come together and enjoy the activity of running. The club was founded last year by Crystal Gould and has since gathered to meet on campus twice a week for fun, relaxed runs. Running Club is currently led by President Xayda Alexander, a sophomore psychology and Spanish major at The University of Tulsa.
There are currently 91 members in the Running Club GroupMe, although the typical turnout for runs is around 10 members.
The club fosters an inclusive environment, and students who are curious should not be intimidated to come try it out, Alexander said. “I would say it’s usually beginner level, whoever shows up. We usually just ask, how long do you guys feel comfortable running today and just kind of get a feel for who’s running and then we’ll take it slow. Or, find the pace and then stick with that pace,” Alexander stated. “It’s really just for fun.”
The runs take place twice a week on Wednesdays and once during the weekend. The club typically meets at Kendall Bell behind Tyrell Hall. Runs usually last between 15 and 25 minutes, and students have the option to stay and stretch afterward.
“90% of the time, we’re running on campus. Maybe once a month, once every two months, we’ll go and run at Turkey Mountain or the Gathering Place or somewhere cool around Tulsa,” Alexander said.
University regulations require that the Running Club does not participate in off-campus organized races or events. However, the club plans to create an organized 5k race on campus towards the end of the semester.
In addition to regularly scheduled runs, students share news in the GroupMe about running events happening in Tulsa. Although the club cannot officially gather for these events, it is a good way to spread awareness about activities that group members might be interested in.
For more information on Running Club, students can visit their new Instagram page, @utulsarunning_association and join the club GroupMe. The club is currently searching for a social media chair to manage the Instagram account.
The Running Club is looking for more participants to attend runs and grow the running community on campus. In addition to more participants, club leaders are working to create more club funding for snacks, drinks and T-shirts.
“I think a lot of people want to come, like there’s 91 people in the GroupMe, but it is intimidating to just go and run with strangers randomly one day if you don’t know anyone,” Alexander stated.
The club runs are supportive and non-judgemental, and the goal is always to run together as a group and have fun. Runs usually last between one to three miles.
Running as a group is a fun way to stay active, reduce stress and maintain friendships centered around a positive activity. Students who are interested in joining Running Club are encouraged to come out and give it a try, no matter their skill level.