What exactly is Cabinet? One of the three branches of Student Association on campus, Cabinet’s function is to serve students through programming and operational support. Cabinet is split into departments headed by an executive director and staffed by a team of associate directors. It meets every Tuesday at 5 p.m. Below is a look at our 2018 – 2019 departments and their purposes. Applications for associate directors are now open at orgs.utulsa.edu/sa/apply through Friday, August 31 at 5 p.m. Contact Director of Communications Kyra Manlove at klm385@utulsa.edu with any questions.
Andrew Hansen, ED of Tech Services tucollegian | Collegian
To connect students to SA, other organizations and each other through simple digital communication.
Michaela Conn, ED of PR & Graphics tucollegian | Collegian
To communicate Student Association initiatives and events to the students.
Claire Chapman, ED of Elections & Policy tucollegian | Collegian
To review, advise on and carry out all election procedures for Student Association, making sure elections are efficient and fair and that students are informed and confident on voting matters.
Cassandra Meador, ED of Organizational Outreach tucollegian | Collegian
To help student organizations brainstorm, plan and execute event partnerships
with SA so our student organizations’ big dreams become reality.
Kyra Manlove, Director of Communications tucollegian | Collegian
To increase transparency and communication between SA and students about our internal process and upcoming changes.
To partner with alumni and faculty to provide opportunities to connect with students and open a direct line of communication.
Mary Bergwell, ED of Student Awareness tucollegian | Collegian
To increase awareness for issues that pertain to college students both nationally and here at TU by creating positive programming that highlights aspects of campus which may be overlooked and addresses pressing issues faced by students.
Faith Nichols, ED of International Student Relations tucollegian | Collegian
To support international organizations across campus by representing what TU’s international community needs and providing a safe space for it to thrive.
Nevin Subramanian, ED of Diversity & Multiculturalism tucollegian | Collegian
To encourage, welcome and celebrate an inclusive environment for those of multiple backgrounds and differences.
Hannah Scott, ED of Community Service tucollegian | Collegian
To foster TU’s engagement in the surrounding Tulsa community by encouraging students to lead through service.
Caroline Rodgers, ED of Innovation & Development tucollegian | Collegian
To use creative methods to positively improve the TU student experience by introducing modern innovation into higher education, defining what it means to apply design thinking in aspects of collegiate life and creating a network of open collaboration between each unique area of study.
Sarah Marshall, ED of Athletics tucollegian | Collegian
To raise student attendance at games and facilitate opportunities to make athletes to feel an integrated part of student affairs.
Andreana Huynh, ED of Homecoming & Grad Party tucollegian | Collegian
To keep treasured traditions alive while also advancing our programs to appeal to the current students.
tucollegian | Collegian
Megan Skocdopole, ED of Festivals [/caption] To provide the opportunity for social engagement and cultural growth for the TU community.
Images and descriptions provided by Student Association of the University of Tulsa.