Improve TU #9: Talk to SIC about your ideas

This past year the Student Investigative Committee (SIC) has been quite busy working on many different projects. To start off, all semester we passed two resolutions: The first of which concerned a request for the cafeteria menu to be posted (and it now is available on the “Bite” by Sodexo app) and another concerned the ability of students to hammock on campus. Moving into the spring semester, we started by making improvements to the pool table downstairs (sticks, tips, etc.) as well as allocating money to be used for gift cards on the future dining project. Last month we were able to pass a resolution allowing for higher point alcohol to be sold in the Hut by Sodexo. This month saw the end of the Dining Project, where three resolutions were passed concerning Chick-Fil-A opening one night per week, Benvenutos being open for dinner and Spicy Chicken Sandwiches being offered at Chick-Fil-A. In the future we are working on resolutions concerning advertising for specials in the Hurricane Hut, an accessibility report across campus, a sustainability project getting rid of water bottles on campus, game day parking, music in the Student Union and various improvements to the Hurricane Hut.

Post Author: tucollegian

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