Professor fucking kills it with latest PowerPoint

Dr. Jennings of the Chemical Engineering department is quite proud of his latest PowerPoint, students say. Intrigued by the fascination with this completely worthless tool for sharing information, the State-Run Media decided to investigate.

The PowerPoint, which is a slight modification of the one provided with the textbook’s teaching materials, is 110 slides long and contains 13 unique typefaces. “I wanted all the information students needed to know up there on the board, so whenever the PowerPoint didn’t cover something I wanted, I just copied paragraphs out of the book for the students to see. Wha-bam!” Jennings excitedly explained to a bored State-Run interviewer. The slide in question contained an impressive 237 words in 10 point font.

In addition to the added slides, Jennings also customized the existing presentation to “highlight what the kids should know.” These changes mostly consist of adding underlining and highlighting to random words of the presentation, and changing the color of all definitions to light grey so they’re impossible to read from a distance.

When asked what information the class would be tested over, Jennings responded, “Everything in the PowerPoint.” At press time, three hours before the test, the PowerPoint has not yet been uploaded to Harvey.

Post Author: tucollegian

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