A lingerie company boasting about their fight against gender expectations has skeletons in their closet.
The battle for women’s body images is finally being taken to corporate America. Companies everywhere are rebranding in a body positive manner. The last few years have seen victory after victory over the unreal expectations flaunted by media portrayals of the alleged ideal woman: the full bodiced, itsy-bitsy-waisted lingerie model. One company has been at the forefront of this new movement, championing against the societal pressure of sex appeal.
Love Yourself Lingerie is based out of Los Angeles, California. Owner Cheri Watson spends her time developing social media strategies to market her product, mostly through hiring influencers and actively campaigning against sexism. Her product line is meant to “flaunt and accentuate the natural female body — never to cover up!” She has developed an extensive audience, whom praise her company philosophy for its progressive and accepting ideas. She even donates a portion of her profits to organizations aiding women in third-world countries.
The campaign run by Love Yourself Lingerie is titled “Real Girls.” Social media posts by paid influencers praise the products and work of Love Yourself Lingerie and its founder. Many media outlets have published extensive portraits of Cheri Watson and her miraculous company’s patriarchy-defying stunts.
Heralded the hero of modern femininity, no one would have guessed Watson had a secret. There have been rumors of strange activity concerning the influencers at Watson’s establishment. The information that was given names a specific closet that should be entered while searching through the products. Immediately, an investigative reporter was dispatched to the scene.
Arriving at the destination, the customer was greeted by a smiling Watson, who guides the customer throughout an extensive collection of lingerie. The representative, after finding themselves alone, discovered the aforementioned closet and opened it to find an extensive collection of mannequins who match the exact appearance of Watson’s supposed influencers.
When questioned, Watson became defensive and ordered the representative out on account of trespassing. State-Run managed to contact a close associate of Watson to find out more.
The associate, who will remain anonymous, has been brooding for quite some time on the extent of this immoral practice. Watson uses an extensive photoshop regimen to manipulate the mannequins forms into appearing real. The girls displayed on the profiles have extensive social media histories, completely fabricated by Watson. These allegedly real girls come in all shapes and sizes, mimicking the variety of every female form one might encounter in real life.
When contacted for an official comment by a covert State-Run operative, Love Yourself Lingerie responded that the images of the women remain body positive whether or not real women represent them. When asked why the campaign was named “Real Girls,” Love Yourself Lingerie did not comment.
News of this incident has spread rapidly on popular social media sites. Most users express outrage at the hypocrisy.
One Twitter user, @racheljyoung wrote, “the campaign was already a “nice try” but then they are outed 4 mannequins? How much worse can America get?”
The three days following this scandal, Love Yourself Lingerie reported their highest numbers in the history of the company.