Dr. LePage started teaching at TU in 2020. courtesy utulsa.edu

See me after class

See Me After Class is a weekly column where a different professor reveals their variety favorites.

Dr. William LePage is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering who completed his undergraduate education at the University of Tulsa and went on to receive his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. He is a father, husband, engineer and scientist. LePage leads the Advanced Materials Design Group that uses cutting-edge mechanical techniques to research stronger materials. You can sometimes find him wandering around campus with his wife and three little boys.

1. What book would you say all undergrads need to read before they graduate?

It’s a bit of a cop-out, but I’d say, read a book that aligns with your interests and sparks your curiosity! For folks who are interested in structural materials (my research expertise), check out, “The New Science of Strong Materials: Or Why You Don’t Fall through the Floor.” For a wider audience of students, the knowledge and skills from “Atomic Habits” would be useful. In summer 2021, my research group read this book together. It’s a quick read that shares how to make our little daily choices compound into the results that we want to achieve.

2. What was the last book/movie/show that you actually found funny?

The film “Dads.”

3. What’s your favorite Tulsa restaurant?

My favorite Tulsa restaurants include Andolini’s, Big Al’s, McNellie’s, New York Bagel (Old School), Que Gusto (special mention to Rafael Serrano Meneses, a mechanical engineering student whose family runs Que Gusto!), Queenie’s, and Stonehorse Market (small deli next to the Café).

4. Do you have any food/restaurant routines?

My breakfast routine is a big bowl of oatmeal, almost every day.

5. If you had to pick three songs for a Playlist of Your Life, what would they be?

Ben Rector has been the favorite musician for my family and myself for years. “Hey Siri, shuffle Ben Rector,” is a frequent request. On road trips, we will listen to his repertoire for hundreds of miles. Narrowing down to three, I’d probably pick his “Kids,” “The Men That Drive Me Places,” and “Peace.” Honorable mention for “Almost Home.”

6. Do you have any music recommendations for different moods/needs?

My family started an Apple Music subscription in early 2020, and it has been a big gift to explore so much music. One of the fruits of this was the idea to play an upbeat instrumental song before class meetings. Students seem to like the mood lift before we dive into our work. For studying, a few quick picks: Bach’s Goldberg Variations (try Lang Lang’s version from 2021), Beethoven’s Symphony 9 (try Berlin Philharmonic from 1984), and the soundtrack from the film “Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton.”

Post Author: Julianne Tran