With the beginning of a new semester, many students are returning from studies overseas. Though we weren’t planning on running an article about it, one student approached us about her time overseas and wouldn’t shut up until we promised to write about it.
Returning this semester from a study abroad in Brazil, Sophia Prima detailed her trip as “an experience which (she) would not trade for the world.”
“The experience was life-changing,” Prima commented, proceeding to speak for thirty completely unprompted minutes about “the indomitable Brazilian people,” “the beautiful landscape” and “the wonderful food.”
After spending an entire four months in Brazil, Prima claims that she is “practically Brazilian now.” “It’s weird not to hear people speaking Portuguese!” exclaimed Prima when she followed us into the student union. “I’m used to having to speak Portuguese everywhere—it’s like, I can finally relax now but at the same time I was just starting to get the hang of it!” she regaled us excitedly, speaking so loudly that we couldn’t hear how much our meal at Chik-fil-A cost and had to ask the cashier to repeat it.
“Everyone should spend some time overseas,” Prima commented, adding that “The people you meet will change your life forever; they’re just so inspiring!”
While it cannot be argued that spending time overseas won’t broaden one’s horizons, and that immersion is the best way to learn a new language, for the friends and classmates of those who have recently returned from trips abroad, nothing is more annoying than listening to them talk.
“Sophia’s a great friend and all,” commented Prima’s roommate, Lauren Smith, “But I kinda wish she would stop comparing everything here to what it was like in Brazil.” Smith’s boyfriend, Steven Jones, concurred. “My friend actually used to date Sophia,” said Jones, “But he said the trip totally ruined their relationship. All she ever wants to do is eat, like, cassava and roasted pig or whatever.”
Smith added that her roommate has had a hard time staying in her room at night, and is always complaining about how boring Tulsa is compared to Brazil. Smith went on to say, “Yeah, we know the culture is different there, that’s why she left in the first place.”