Exciting new opportunities arise for female TU students who are sick of their overly-academic studies.
Ladies! Have you had a tough semester? Did midterms really get to you? Is your STEM career path looking too difficult to carry on with? Congratulations! Your Christian prayers have been answered. Next semester, the University of Tulsa will offer a new degree program for a masters in reproductive science.
Part of the psychology department and only accepting biological females, the program’s goals include teaching students their proper place in society as told by the Holy Bible and preparing them for heterosexual married life.
Heading this innovative new program is the distinguished Dr. Debbie H. Jamison, coming to TU straight from earning her Ph.D. in theology from the University of Phoenix online.
“In this new America, we’ve lost a lot of the values that once made the nation a great place to live in,” said Dr. Jamison. “I’m excited to teach this generation that feminism isn’t the answer, as they’ve been brainwashed by the liberal media to think.”
Some of the classes available for the major include Fertilization 101, The Art of Being Seen Not Heard and The Dangers of Vaccines. Various TU professors have expressed interest in developing more courses for the MRS degree, but a majority of the current professors for the program are new hires from ORU.
“I get it. Things have to be equal nowadays, so we have to let girls go to college,” said Dr. Jamison. “And everyone knows that is too hard on their minds, but if they must come get a degree, why not offer them something that’s easy on them and actually useful for their lives?”
The buzz around this news is almost audible.
“I just came to college to mess around, ya know, just party and have some fun, but now I can study something that I’m actually passionate about!” said freshman Tiffany Lawson. “This has gotten me excited about learning again! I haven’t felt like this in a long time, honestly.”
An MRS degree opens up tons of opportunities after you graduate — like marriage, motherhood and pleasing your husband in every sense of the word. So if you’re interested, make sure to speak with your advisor about switching to this exciting new major!