Tulsa Farmers’ Market, located in Kendall-Whittier Square, is an excellent place for students to spend their Saturday mornings close to campus.
Tulsa Farmers’ Market is a great place to buy local products and produce, and it’s equally suitable for local businesses to get their products out there. With only a 15-20 minute walk from campus, Tulsa Farmers’ Market takes place in Kendall-Whittier Square, beside the Kendall-Whittier Library.
The Farmers’ Market usually fills up the whole street plus a small parking lot area that sits beside the Kendall-Whittier Library. In the warmer seasons, vendors will sell fresh fruits and vegetables, pickled produce, bread, flowers, eggs and fresh meat products. There’s even a vendor that sells dog treats and supplements. There are also some food trucks present throughout the market where you can stop by and get some food to enjoy; Masa has been at the farmers’ market allowing visitors to enjoy some warm South American-style foods.
Depending on the holidays, the Tulsa Farmers’ Markets even have larger scale events such as the YuleTide market which took place Dec. 3 last year. The YuleTide farmer’s market has many food vendors and more craft-selling vendors, which is great for Christmas gift shopping. Even during the fall season, there are many vendors selling pumpkins and other festive products to welcome in the Halloween and Thanksgiving holidays.
Any vendor you encounter will greet you and help you find what you’re looking for at their booth. It’s nice to see such welcoming faces and enjoy good conversations with local businesses that just want to share their products with you. Even if you don’t buy anything from their booth, I encourage you just to walk up and say hello, maybe you’ll even find something new to try!
The farmers’ market is currently following their winter schedule which means it only takes place every other Saturday instead of weekly. Following this schedule, the next farmer’s market will take place on Feb. 25 from 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. This winter schedule will last through March as well, but the main season for the farmers’ market is planned to kick off on April 1st.
With this winter schedule, the farmers’ market has downsized a bit, but it’s still quite enjoyable and fun to walk around. This past Saturday the farmers’ market only filled up the parking lot space, but not the street itself. This is due to some vendors’ products being out of season. Most previous farmers’ markets on Saturday had vendors selling vegetables, bread, fresh meat products, nuts, goat milk and cheese, pickled products and even some inedible items such as locally made clay cups and bowls.
Not only can you walk the farmers market to find fresh produce and procrastinate doing homework, but there is also She Brews Coffee House and Pancho Anaya Bakery on the same street. She Brews Coffee House is a great place to buy a warm (or cold) coffee with your student discount and enjoy some caffeine while looking at all the vendors. Another way to enjoy both the farmers’ market and get some work done is to stay inside with your coffee and do some homework before heading out onto the street to enjoy the market. Pancho Anaya is also a nice place to enjoy some traditional Mexican bakery items such as Pan Dulce, which is a good treat to go along with your coffee (my advice: try dipping it into your coffee).