Last Thursday, Dietler Commons — also known as the Old U — was completely encircled by the bustling groups that make up the backbone of TU student activities. Known as First Thursday officially and called the Activities Fair informally, this event was the first Hurricane Thursday of the new year. Earlier in the morning, students may have noticed the massive circle of tables and chairs set up on the Old U; however, this could not have prepared them for the intensity the Activity Fair generated when it was in full swing. Students arrived in droves, filing between the tables and grabbing their free Schlotsky’s sandwich boxes from the nearby tent. SA kicked off the event with an unveiling of their new shirts with many eager students lining up for their newest symbol of school spirit.
Meanwhile, Housing was present at the Fair in full force, checking students in for the Hurricane Thursday drawing at the end of the semester. Once a student has checked into seven Hurricane Thursdays, they will be entered into a raffle for a multitude of prizes. Some of the possible winnings are an Amazon Echo Dot, Priority Housing Selection next year, Powerbeats2 by Dre, and gift cards to various restaurants and retailers. As students passed by, they were able to grab up any number of free items ranging anywhere from the new Hurricane Thursday shirts to selfie sticks to umbrellas. In addition to check-ins and free TU paraphernalia, the Housing section also hosted some of their associated organizations. First was the National Residence Hall Honorary, followed by the Residence Hall Association, and at the end of the line was the Office of Digital Media. The NRHH is a service and leadership organization composed of the top 1% of students who are housed on campus; they will be hosting the Throwback Thursday Hurricane Thursday on October 19th. NRHH also works closely with the Residence Hall Association (RHA), another Housing organization that brings together the Hall Governments and other residents from across campus for planning campus-wide events.
In addition to Housing, many other organizations were present at this kickoff event. A plethora of religious and equality-oriented organizations were all over Dietler Commons, showcasing the incredibly diverse population both on and off campus. Also represented was the various fraternities and sororities on campus, both Greek and independent. Some of the independent groups were Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI) who make up some of the top music students on campus. Along with those core groups, there were also fun and entertaining clubs such as Smash Club — a club dedicated specifically to the Super Smash Bros. Franchise — the Capture the Flag team for aspiring programmers, and a graphic design club known as DigiCo (short for Digital Collective).
Also handing out shirts at this event was DVIS (Domestic Violence and Intervention Services) which provides students with a 3rd party alternative for those who have been affected by sexual assault and other cases of interpersonal violence. They provide a rape counselor, advocate, legal support, and other related services to students in a completely confidential context. They have a 24 hour hotline for any situation, the number for that is (918) 743-5763.
With so many entertaining and impactful organizations being represented at this tremendous start to the new school year, this First Thursday gives a glimpse to all the new students on campus that they are in for so many involved and developmental experiences in the years to come.