Waste, energy, plastics focus of sustainability club

TU’s student-led club for sustainability creates new committees for the new year, which will formulate ideas and bring them to the faculty and staff to implement.

Students interested in improving TU’s commitment to the environment can join Students 4 Sustainability, which met last Wednesday. The club primarily focuses on waste management, plastics and energy ideas, but is open to focusing on other issues as well.
A committee of students have formed for each focus. In the committee, students will brainstorm and research ideas to improve sustainability before presenting them to faculty and staff. The group plans to employ a grassroots-style campaign of improvement.
In their introductory meeting, initial ideas were brainstormed, which the committees will continue to work on throughout the year. The energy committee discussed increasing the number of motion-sensing lights and dimmers in buildings and vending machines, turning down the A/C, and adding energy-saving measures during building renovations whenever possible. The waste committee suggested research into how the campus could begin composting or providing more recycling units for apartments. The plastics committee wanted to increase the number of recyclable plastics used and further educate students on the dangers of plastics.
Although committees formed last Wednesday, interested students can continue to join the club. Those interested should contact Jeremy Garrison at jtg416@utulsa.edu.

Post Author: Michaela Flonard