After Bernie Sanders won the Oklahoma primary, one TU professor set out to analyze the victory of the Democratic presidential hopeful. Scott Carter, an economics professor at TU, set out to diagram the county-by-county results for each candidate.. Using 27 columns and just under 1,850 rows, Carter’s document outlines the full election results per county. […]
Month: March 2016
“We The People” brings greater transparency to Sooner State
“We The People Oklahoma” is a state advocacy group. Though the group is based in Tulsa, they have a network of people in different towns and cities across the state. Their primary focuses are on the accountability and transparency of elected officials, as well as on informing Oklahoma residents about their rights and responsibilities. Marq […]
Okla.’s budget shortfalls are self-perpetuating
At a press conference last December, Senate Appropriations Chairman Clark Jolley suggested a war in the Middle East would fix Oklahoma’s budget crisis. “We’re one war in the Middle East away from high gas prices and high oil prices,” he noted. This is the level to which Oklahoma has fallen to fix its budget issues. […]
Education funds show officials don’t care
Earlier this year, the Oklahoma State House of Representatives proposed a bill that would provide state-funded scholarships to Oklahoma students so they could attend private high, middle, and elementary schools. This is a good proposition in theory, especially for underprivileged students who are forced to attend public schools that are underfunded and understaffed. But that’s […]
Afrofuturism: The final frontier of equality
Luke Skywalker, Captain Kirk, Jake Sully, Alan Grant, and Katniss Everdeen. These protagonists from famous sci-fi movies all have one thing in common, other than their corn-fed look: they’re all white. Out of the 100 top-grossing sci-fi movies of all time, only eight of them feature a protagonist of color. Even more damning, out of […]
Zika should be taken seriously as a threat
In 2014, the spread of the Ebola virus became a leading headline. Horrifying pictures of corpses and the living lying in bodily fluids covering hospital floors circulated the news networks, and the number of related deaths just kept climbing. West Africa was overwhelmed by the disease, and a lack of proper medical services left many […]
GMO-aversion is unjustified
The Zika virus, having become the most recent mosquito-borne illness to ravage the third world, is inspiring fear due to its potential link to birth defects. It has since likewise arisen as a hot topic for speculative articles running their rounds through social media websites, sensationalist news and crackpot health advocates. From these come a […]
HB 2797 shows Okla.’s priorities
For pro-choice supporters, the current state budget crisis has somewhat of a silver lining. Due to worries over school funding, HB 2797, or the “Humanity of the Unborn Child Act,” may not get passed. The possible failure of this bill further highlights the misguided priorities of Oklahoma legislature, and the ultimately self-defeating nature of Oklahoma […]
Tulsa Pagan Society: Keeping the faith(s)
Many people would be surprised to learn that Tulsa has a vibrant pagan community. In fact, it came as a shock to me when, after reading a book about neo-paganism for a class, I googled “Tulsa Pagans” on a lark and discovered that not only are they around, there are quite a few of them. […]
“Winterreise” evokes emotions of love and loss
Thursday, March 10, the Concerts with Commentary series performed Winterreise, a song cycle by Franz Schubert based off Wilhelm Müller’s poems. Kim Childs sang tenor while Stuart Deaver played the piano accompaniment. While the songs were in German, the language difference could not hide the overwrought emotion felt by the writer. The song cycle is […]