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TU continues to mitigate COVID-19 cases

The University of Tulsa lists on their website that there are currently nine active cases of COVID-19, eight of which are students and one a staff member. There are 17 students in quarantine, which the university explains is enforced for students that have not tested positive and do not have symptoms, but have come in […]

Bolivians hope newly elected government can shed old corruption

The Bolivian election results are back, and Luis Arce Catacora, the leader of the socialist el MAS party, will be the president of Bolivia until 2025. Evo Morales, the past president, changed the constitution to allow the president to serve 5-year terms. Morales had already served the allotted two terms, and wanted to run again. […]

Tulsa Air and Space Museum hosts historic airplane

This past weekend, the city of Tulsa had a unique visitor. This visitor was not a person or a band, but a historic airplane. This airplane, a B-17 bomber, is currently on a tour — the World War II Salute to Victory Tour — across the southern part of the country and Tulsa chosen to […]

Joey Chestnut: A Hot Dog Eating Man of Endurance-He has dedicated his life to competitive eating

The hotdogs! The crowds! The anticipation of being in front of people on a hot summer day and competing for the title of the number one hot dog eater! Oh, the joys of pushing the envelope on cramming hot dogs. Though this may seem kind of funny, and some people might even scoff at the […]

Courtesy of (Austin Perry) and imgflip

Let’s get physical!

Let’s get physical! Though this year has kept us all inside, that doesn’t mean that we can’t be physically active and have fun doing it — instead of viewing it as a hassle, think of it as a challenge. Exercising during coronavirus is a lot simpler than you think. Easy, right? Not necessarily. If anything, […]