Well, it happened. The woke mob finally got me. Has cancel-culture gone too far? [Omit, rhetorical question – Zach]. I will no longer edit the satire section due to my potential imminent graduation. To the few who actually read this, write for the collegian next year. I beg of you, you will probably not regret […]
Author: Kyle Garrison
Taylor Swift watches “21 Jump Street,” becomes antisemite
Swift rebukes West’s response to Jonah Hill’s performance. 12-time Grammy-winning feminist icon, blue-eyed and blonde-haired legend Taylor Swift took a stance against her long time adversary Kanye West in an Instagram post stating “I don’t know what that misogynist Kanye was talking about, I watched ‘21 Jump Street’ and I hate Jewish people now.” In […]
TU headhunts Dick Cheney to lead new hunting department
Is the former vice president in the sights for TU’s scouting squad? Tulsa OK – Looking to innovate in fields of study, TU is headhunting a leader for a new hunting department and rumors are, Dick Cheney is their number one prospect. Under fire for their discriminatory hiring practices, The University of Tulsa takes aim […]
Point Counterpoint: Do not do your homework
The kingly duo that rules The Collegian and the political science department answers the question plaguing colleges everywhere. Point (Kyle): Why would I do my homework? To satiate the bottomless pit of need seen in the repeated assignments by professors? I think not. These professors are never satisfied with essays. My theory is they love […]
How I, our head satirist, have fared in my fight against admin
TU vs Kyle, the saga. Let us look back at our storied history of conflict. I know we have had our ups and downs but as your favorite satirist, I thought I would write you a letter. You know me, I am a silly goose who likes being goofy and writing incendiary pieces about your […]
The Instagram ally’s manifesto
As a male feminist, I know all the lyrics to “Put Your Records On” I am writing this to tell my story as a middle class cishet white man, who has bravely fought alongside the oppressed when convenient. I am here. I retweet infographics which I do not read. I put confusingly formatted but still […]
Why I am pro recreational marijuana
Here are the top ten reasons to make weed legal on Tuesday, March 7. Visit https://okvoterportal.okelections.us/ to locate your polling location. It makes the show “Velma” 12% more tolerable. It’s still miserable, but try it sober. You’ll put your fist through the TV before you can say “ruh-roh.” It is a win for gummy bear […]
Goldie spotted with younger lab?
Goldie has a new sugar baby in a lab half her age! Leonardo Dicaprio who? Canine ambassador or COUGAR ambassador? Our sources say Goldie took out a young lab pup for a “puppuccino” on TU’s dime. The question that is on everyone’s minds is: who is this new lover and will it last? After a […]
Brad Carson breaks Guinness World Record for most stripes on suit
What world records will TU president Brad Carson seek next? What do students think? It is no secret that University of Tulsa president Brad Carson enjoys a good pinstripe suit. He also enjoys spending money on Guinness World Records. [Editor’s note: I personally would prefer buying a Guiness for charity, but that is just me] […]
Trust me, I love Jeff Bezos
To all future employers: please read this instead of my resume. As the satire editor for the Collegian, I have begun to worry that my future employers will search my name and find a picture of Kevin Stitt smoking a blunt. That might turn off potential job opportunities such as the narcotics division of the […]