Campus climate survey results

TU hosted a community discussion on the survey’s results, revealing the statistics for those affected by sexual assault on campus.

The Student Union was pleasantly packed with people this past Friday during lunch time, all gathered to discuss the results of the Campus Climate survey. Dr. Joanna Davis, a professor of psychology, and the co-founder and co-director of the University of Tulsa Institute for Trauma, Adversity and Injustice (TITAN), lead the crowd through the results of the campus wide survey results — and why the data matters.

The key findings from the 2017 – 18 survey, Dr. Davis noted, were taken from the answers of the 652 students who filled out the survey during the time frame given; Dr. Davis was quick to mention that only so much can be inferred from the data, given it’s small response base.

The Campus Climate survey, which began in 2013 and is an ongoing compilation of data, stands as one of the most important campus-wide surveys. Every year, twice a semester, the university sends out a campus wide email, encouraging students to respond. These answers are all compiled into an executive summary, which is then published to the University’s website.

The survey found this past year, from the sample group, that rape and interpersonal violence continues to be a problem for TU students. 19 percent of women and 13 percent of men reported at least one instance of physical assault in a relationship during their time at TU. 9.8 percent of students said they experience a forced or drug induced sexual assault during their time at TU, (11.6 percent, if including attempted sexual assault). 68 percent of reported sexual assaults occurred on campus, with 52 percent of sexual assaults taking place at fraternities. 71 percent of survivors were acquaintances or friends with the perpetrator, and the most reported sexual assaults occurred during the fall semester of freshman year.

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Of the data given, 61 percent told a friend, nine percent told a parent and 17 percent told no one. Of participants in the survey, only four participants used formal methods of reporting the assault, and only three participants disclosed the assault to a campus sexual assault advocate.

After sharing the data found from the study,. Davis explained what TITAN recommended the university do in taking steps forward.

“We are not unique in that there is sexual violence on this campus, but we are in a unique position due to the resources available,” she explained. She recommended that the university continue to expand the Domestic Violence Intervention Service (DVIS), creating new positions that are needed for an effective office. Providing more programming, especially within the first year experience courses, and partnering with Greek life. Additionally, she recommending institutionalizing the Office of Violence Prevention (OVP), as well as providing more training in violence prevention for faculty, staff and personnel.

After Davis spoke, President Clancy gave a short speech about the continued commitment to efforts in creating a safer campus. He addressed the persistent talk on prevention and available resources to students, stating that “45 percent of assaults on campus occur during the first year at TU.”

He continued, saying, “Those of you who have been here for two or three years, you may be getting tired of this. But every year there are a new class of freshman, so you are going to continue to hear about this.”

The talk closed with a discussion, where students wrote questions to be answered by a panel consisting of President Clancy, Dr. Davis Violence Prevention Coordinator Kelsey Hancock, and university Title IX coordinator Matt Warren. Questions ranged from how to change campus culture to how Greek life could be more involved.

When asked what she wanted the students to get out of the talk, Davis noted the importance of the data gathered from the survey.

“I hope that you have already, but if you haven’t, please make sure to take the survey,” she said. This data drives how the campus moves forward in addressing interpersonal violence and is a space with which to make your voice heard.

There are campus resources available through phone calls and in-person.

Alexander Health Center: 918-631-2241
Counseling and Psychological Services: 918-631-2200
Center for Student Academic Support: 918-631-2315
Safe Zone/Office for Violence Prevention (LGBTQ): 918-631-2324
Title IX coordinator: 918-631-4602

Post Author: Emma Palmer