Car accident on campus? Know your next move.

No one likes getting in a car accident, let alone on TU campus. Here’s what do to if it happens to you.

Car accidents seem to be a unifying aspect of community on campus, like tests or homework. Student Tyler Cotton said she was sitting in her car in commuter lot last year when somebody backed into her car. Fortunately there was no damage, but it was disconcerting.

A former TU Student, Elizabeth Annavarapu, said she was driving on campus one time her senior year when somebody ran into the back of her car and then drove away. Her car was not damaged either, but if it was, she said she did not know what she would have done.
Since the beginning of 2019, Campus Security has already documented over 80 motor vehicle accidents on campus.

With the rate of accidents on campus so far this year, it is important for students to know what to do if they are involved in a car accident on campus.

First and foremost, if a student is involved in an accident on campus, they should call Campus Security to help because they are the first responders on campus. They can help drivers exchange insurance information in a peaceful manner like police would do on city streets.

If both drivers are present, then car insurance should be exchanged, which Campus Security can help with. Afterwards, when a student goes to report the accident to insurance, Campus Security can assist with an official report.

According to Campus Security, most insurance companies will accept their incident reports. However, if that is not the case, then the student can contact Campus Security again.

If the insurance company will only accept a police report, then Campus Security said to “inform the responding officer if their company will not accept the TU report. The officer will then contact the Tulsa Police Department if requested.”

What if the other driver has fled the scene and the student has been the victim of a hit and run? Again, a student should contact Campus Security who can assist in finding the other vehicle.

In this event, Campus Security can “investigate by searching campus for the suspected vehicle. If found, officers will then try to identify the owner through university records and involve the Tulsa Police if necessary.”

Just like in a hit and run on city streets, if the suspected driver is found, then Campus Security said, “Tulsa Police can also issue municipal citations or arrest individuals that leave the scene of an accident without reporting it or leaving contact information for the other driver.”

Car accidents are annoying, but there are ways students can help prevent the average of over 100 vehicle accidents reported by Campus Security a year.

Students can help lower the number of accidents on campus by paying attention, especially in parking lots. Campus Security added, “Most on campus accidents occur in parking lots while parking or backing out of parking spaces.”
Campus Security said driving defensively is the best way to prevent accidents and to “Be mindful of your own car’s dimensions and the proximity of other vehicles and pedestrians while maneuvering around campus.”

In addition, if a student is involved in a wreck on campus, they should do the responsible thing and report it. Getting into a car wreck is a headache, but knowing the steps to take after the accident can help alleviate some of the pain.

Post Author: Lizzy Young