From @dynarpodcast Instagram

“Do You Need a Ride” brings excitement to daily routine

Los Angeles is known for many things, including the celebrities, beach lifestyle and entertainment industry, but one major characteristic that Los Angeles is known for is its traffic. “Do You Need a Ride” features comedians Karen Killgariff and Chris Fairbanks as they drive themselves, friends and celebrities across Los Angeles and record their conversations along the way. Killgariff, also known as the cohost of the podcast “My Favorite Murder,” and stand-up comedian Fairbanks both contrast in personality and, when combined, create a hysterical combination which brings new comedic perspectives to the table. The comedic styles range from the crazy stories of growing up in the ‘80s to small stand-up skits and even some behind the scenes of the life of a comedian. The podcast has featured guests such as April Richardson, Jamie Lee and Mike O’Connell.

Typically, the podcast first starts off with a light-hearted musical skit performed by both Killgariff and Fairbanks. The opening theme song really captures both of their personalities and gives a great idea of what the podcast is about. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the show proceeded with Killgariff, Fairbanks and technical producer Steven Ray Morris on their way to meet their guest or simply driving solo to their destination. If a guest is picked up, the crew makes their way to their traditional stop at Starbucks. A favorite segment within the show is getting to hear the coffee orders placed by everyone in the car and hear the interactions of the baristas and podcast hosts. Occasionally during the Starbucks stop, a fan will recognize the crew, which causes a moment of excitement from everyone in and out of the car. Once the coffee is picked up, they all head out to their destination of the episode and continue to share stories and chat amongst themselves. Of course, when you are driving through Los Angeles, there will be a few bumps in the road, and the audience will get a few instances of honking, road rage and driving mishaps.

As of now, the podcast has been recorded from the hosts’ homes due to the current pandemic. On their latest episode, Killgariff and Fairbanks brought on podcast host Bridger Winegar and chatted about his podcast “I said no gifts” as well as life in the entertainment industry and the joys of game shows. The three podcasters met over Zoom and discussed various topics while still including their comedic styles. A highlight from their discussion was the conversation around the topic of transition glasses. Guest Bridger Winegar noted “you just look like a creep” while giving his input on people who wear transition glasses. Killgariff and Fairbanks also gave their opinions and made up some stories on the people who wear those types of glasses. Overall, the conversations they had, glasses and all, gave me a good laugh when dealing with the stress of current events.

This podcast is something I recommend listening to when you need a good laugh or just need some background noise while doing a load of laundry. If you are planning or have an upcoming road trip, give this podcast a listen, and it will feel as if they are all in the car with you. This podcast may not be completely safe for work, but is safe to listen to when it gets dark out, unlike a true crime podcast. Some episode recommendations for our Collegian readers are “S2 – Ep. 49 Karen and Chris,” “S2 – Ep. 13 – Bridger Winegar” and “S2 – Ep. 4 – Jake Weisman.” These episodes as well as several other shows can be found on or streaming services such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Post Author: Iris Ramirez