The Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) has recruited TU freshmen to participate in a study on mental toughness that will last for their entire college careers. These students were separated into two groups, a “control” group and a “testers” group, and have agreed to be surveyed regularly during their college experience.
In order to participate, interested incoming freshmen were required to attend one in-person group session at TU, during which the study was described and volunteers gave their complete written consent. Those students chosen to be in the testers group were required to undergo a training period meant to help students strengthen and exercise their mental toughness. The control group did not receive this training and students in that group are meant to continue their lives as usual with no aid for stress or anxiety. After the training, both groups will participate in frequent surveys about classes, personal life, and health for the remainder of college. These surveys are meant to help LIBR understand the stress levels a student attending a prestigious school experiences.
If capable, those students in the testers group can consent to MRI Scans before and after the “TU Tough” training so that brain patterns and any reduction of anxiety can be shown in the images. Cheyanne Wheat, though she was incapable of participating in the MRI scans, says: “Not only are you helping the research, but you receive the brain images for personal keeping! I thought that was awesome!”
The study also involves online surveys through the duration of the program and submission of an optional saliva sample. Megan West, a Petroleum Engineering major and a participant in the program, says: “I think the TU Tough program that the Laureate Institute for Brain Research is conducting is a great opportunity for TU students to earn some extra cash while also helping Laureate conduct important research. As a volunteer you benefit greatly, all you have to do is truthfully complete the surveys they email you. The longest surveys take about an hour, but honestly, as college students we are on our phones so much, an hour is nothing.”
Student volunteers are compensated $240 for completion of all aspects of the study and a select number of students will have the opportunity to participate in further research (which includes a brain-imaging session) at LIBR. Concluding her interview, West said: “I think that the research Laureate is conducting is very important and has the potential to help a lot of people in the future. Plus what college student doesn’t want a little extra cash?”