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In my four years at TU, I try to make the time each semester to make the trip up to Special Collections on the fifth floor of McFarlin Library.
Special Collections is where the library stores its old and rare books and documents, many of which could fall apart if handled without care.
This semester the history buffs upstairs have put together an exhibit titled, “World War I: 1917, The Yanks are Coming.”
The title is fairly self-explanatory, as the exhibit depicts America’s entry into the first Great War and other crucial events within the year that tipped the scales in favor of the Triple Entente.
Upon admittance, the first table displays President Woodrow WIlson’s proclamation to the US announcing entry into the war as well as other photos and documents showing US mobilization.
Photographs, letters from soldiers and a Medallion for American Volunteers in the French Army follow.
A third table depicts propaganda and a timeline of the Russian Revolution, which began in 1917 as well.
The fourth table has a collection of photographs and books about various battles that year, including Canadian glass slides of capture of Vimy Ridge and the fight at Passchendaele.
The exhibit ends with propaganda posters involving a mix of emphasizing the importance of bread to the war effort and good-old-fashioned racism.
Whether you’re a World Wars scholar or slept through high school history, Special Collections has a knack for putting together an exhibit that provides something new to learn for everyone.
If you find yourself looking for ways to procrastinate on your homework this semester, you should go peruse the shelves, and maybe even gain some inspiration.