PR and Communication Club receives SA charter

The PR and Communication Club, chartered August 30, was created “to unite students with similar interests and introduce them to scholarships, internships, and job opportunities.”

The club’s founder and president Karoline Newell has said the goal of the club is to “aid in the development of well-rounded communication professionals that can enter the community representing TU as a leading school in Communication related fields.”

“I wanted to create a PR and Communication Club to shed some positive light on the Arts and Science Department and establish a creative, successful and professional space that supports its students,” Newell explained. “Our society broadcasts S.T.E.M. related careers as the singular outlet to success. This club aims to dispel that norm and demonstrate the innovative skill and value of Arts and Science students.”

Newell firmly believes that Public Relations and Communications are a vast field with growing and varied job opportunities, so creating an organization that can provide a networking and learning environment for students with similar interests was important.

“Our organization aims to demonstrate that diversity by providing speakers and meetings focused on the plethora of avenues available for students,” Newell said.

“We are reaching out to Communication and Advertising students via social media marketing, flyers, emails and announcements through faculty in the department. However, students from all colleges and majors are encouraged to join!” Newell emphasized.

“Our organization meets monthly. Each meeting features a different career avenue within the field and a professional from the community as a guest speaker on that topic,” Newell shared. “In addition, at each meeting we will share relevant information on local opportunities: scholarships, internships, jobs, Tulsa events and networking opportunities. We work closely with Tulsa PRSA and will share information on their events with members.”

The club’s themes for the semester are: “The Profit of Non-Profits”, “Knowing What to Say: A Guide to Political Public Relations”, “Coming Back, Again and Again” which will focus on PR in the tourism industry and “Running the News” which will discuss the relationship between PR and the news.

September’s meeting will be The Profit of Nonprofits: Learning How to Be Successful in NonProfit Communication. The guest speaker is Bonnie Rucker, Director of Communication for Tulsa Area United Way. The meeting will be held in Oliphant 141 at 6pm on September 28. Anyone is welcome.

Post Author: tucollegian

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