Quiz: how much debt you gonna have?

A 100-percent accurate calculation for how deep of a hole you are digging.

Where did you sleep?
1. Lol, sleep?
2. Couch surfing in dorm lobbies
3. Off-campus housing
4. I bought a house
5. On-campus housing

What meal plan did you purchase?
1. Only the scraps left after RA programs
2. Ramen
3. Fast food
4. Fancy restaurant seven days a week
5. Standard campus meal plan

Where did you buy your textbooks?
1. Bought none
2. Online PDF
3. Amazon
4. Rented used
5. Campus bookstore

What items did you stress-buy on eBay during finals week?
1. Pet fish
2. Complete DVD collection of “Game of Thrones”
3. Diamond-encrusted anything
4. Literally a hurricane made of gold
5. The TU football team

What dumbass thing did you get fined for?
1. Locked out of dorm room
2. Lost ID
3. Parking fine
4. Lost key
5. Tuition

How do you plan on making your income?
-0. Work Study
-1. Hair
-2. Plasma
-3. Dog-breeding
-4. Paid internship
-5 Bounty hunting

BONUS LEVEL: How many trips to Tacos Don, Whataburger or Panda did you make a month?
1. 1–5
2. 6–10
3. 11–15
4. 16–20
5. 21–25
6. 26+

Final Score: Add up all your numbers!
0–5 ($0 – $20,000) How did you do that???
6–10 ($20,000 – $50,000) You’ll pay it off (probably?).
11–15 ($50,000 – $90,000) Food is overrated, am I right?
16–20 ($90,000 – $140,000) I hope you majored in Petroleum.
21–25 ($140,000 – $200,000) R.I.P. You have no chance of paying it off before you die.
26+ National Average. I would put an infinity sign here, but I can’t afford it.

Post Author: Brennen Gray