Last Wednesday, SA’s Student Awareness Department, led by Executive Director Gabby Gunnerson, hosted a showing of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” Originally meant to be held on Harwell Field, the threat of imminent rain caused the event to be moved into the Student Union, but that didn’t make the movie any less enjoyable. Coupled with flavored popcorn and hot chocolate and cider, the showing was an all around success.
“The Rocky Horror Picture Show” focuses on a young, straight-laced couple, Brad and Janet, who stumble upon a castle after getting a flat tire. There they meet Dr. Frank-N-Furter, an alien transvestite and mad scientist who has plans to build the perfect man, along with his colorful band of minions, lovers and experiments. Over the course of the night, he manages to open both their minds and hearts to ideas and mindsets they only ever dreamed about. With themes of sexual identity, love and acceptance, the movie provides a delightful musical comedy experience while blending in real social issues and some spooky fun.
The event was organized in order to raise awareness and support for the LGBT community. As opposed to traditional awareness events, though, it was able to avoid the typical somber atmosphere by utilizing the fact that the event coincided with Halloween. The result offered the perfect balance between important social issues and genuine holiday fun. “It’s a great movie, and I think it really aligns with our goals this year about raising awareness and promoting acceptance on different issues in the student body,” Gunnerson said before the event. “I really think that everyone who attends the movie tonight is really going to enjoy it.”
As to whether or not the audience enjoyed the movie, the standing ovation it received speaks for itself. Students found it refreshing to be able to have something important to take away from an event like this while still being able to enjoy it. “I think it’s a great way to raise awareness about these kinds of topics,” said student Jessica Maas. “It brings up serious issues in a light-hearted way that I think resonates better with students than a traditional speaker would.”