Series of bomb threats targeting
Oklahoma schools lead to panic
and investigation.
The first bomb threat occurred on Aug.
22 and was targeted towards Ellen Ochoa
Elementary School. Police searched the
school that day and gave an all-clear for
the school to open.
On Aug. 23, Ellen Ochoa Elementary
received a second bomb threat at 8:53
a.m. Occupants of the building were told
to shelter-in-place while the campus was
searched by Tulsa Police Department.
Classes resumed normally after the search.
Union Public Schools received multiple
bomb threats on Aug. 24. Chris Payne,
the Union Public Schools communica-
tions director, stated, “The locations in-
clude Ochoa Elementary, the education
service center and the enrollment center.
The threats are similar to those received
the past few days. Union Security and the
Tulsa Police Department are onsite and
we will continue to follow the direction
of TPD.”
Another bomb threat was received Fri-
day, Aug. 25 making it the fourth that
week. Increased security ensured the safe-
ty of all involved.
The next bomb threat made was on
Aug. 27, which not only targeted Union
Public Schools but all Oklahoma schools
and universities.
There was a press release by the Tulsa
Police Department that stated “The Tulsa
Police Department and the Federal Bu-
reau of Investigation closely review and
investigate every reported bomb threat.
Recently, numerous bomb threats have
been received in the Tulsa area, similar to
other threats across the United States. Af-
ter reviewing all the information received
to date, no information has been released,
which indicates the threats received in the
Tulsa area are not credible at this time. To
be clear – There are no credible threats at
this time.”
Multiple bomb threats were sent to
FOX23 on Monday, Aug. 28 targeting
multiple elementary schools.
The University of Tulsa responded to
the bomb threats in a message sent out to
students. “The recent and regular bomb
threats targeting primary and secondary
schools across Oklahoma have deeply
shaken our communities. The University
of Tulsa stands firmly beside all those af-
fected by these distressing incidents. We
condemn any actions that threaten the
safety and well-being of our fellow citi-
zens, especially our youngest members
who deserve nothing but a secure and nur-
turing environment to learn and grow.”
Union Public Schools announced on
Aug. 29 that they received another bomb
threat. The Facebook post read, “Union
Public Schools is once again dealing with
bomb threats naming multiple school sites
— some by name and others non-specific.
We are continuing to work directly with
the Tulsa Police Department and the FBI
and are following their guidance. A thor-
ough search was performed of all district
buildings this morning and no devices
have been found.”
The bomb threats occurred after a li-
brarian at Ellen Ochoa Elementary School
posted an ironic video online about push-
ing a “woke agenda.” The video was al-
tered and then reposted by a Tiktok ac-
count where it received a lot of backlash.