The artwork and photography featured in the Tulsa Performing Arts Center’s “Firefly Experience” was gorgeous, but I was disappointed to find that the gallery showing was not entirely the multi-sensory “experience” it claimed to be. The Tulsa PAC isn’t exactly hopping at noon on a Wednesday, which is when my roommate and I arrived at […]
Month: March 2015
“Superior Donuts” starts off sluggishly, but ends a high note
The small play “Superior Donuts” was performed on March 13 at 8 p.m. at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. The Williams Theatre housed the play that was made up of nine actors. The play was set in the “Superior Donuts” shop in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood during the December of 2009. It opened with two officers […]
“Little Women” actors, stage combine to create an unforgettable musical
The Broadway Musical “Little Women” was performed at the Gussman Concert Hall on March 28 at 8 p.m. The TU theatre cast took the Broadway script and its understanding of the beloved book and created a performance that will be hard to forget. The musical took on the story of the March girls and their […]
TU Opera’s “A Tribute to Alec Wilder” a varied, enjoyable performance
The TU Opera Theatre presented “A Tribute to Alec Wilder” on March 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Meinig Recital Hall. Known for his whimsical and humorous compositions, Wilder created several themes for “Winnie-the-Pooh” and a few delightful plays. The program started with the Pooh Instrumental Ensemble singing “Cottleston Pie” and “Sing Ho! For the […]
Avant-garde poetry night cuts to the bone
TU Poetry Professor Dr. Grant Jenkins opened the annual Tulsa Avant-Garde Poetry Reading (an event where TU students and Oklahoma poets presented their work) by promising to play his electric bass in the background throughout the event, noting that he thought poetry readings could get boring. I think I can guess what he was getting […]
TU Ten: Major Ailments
1. Sociology: a mysterious conviction that they are surrounded by systemic inequality and injustice (they are). 2. Physics: the mistaken impression that they live in a knowable, ordered universe. 3. Petroleum Engineering: the occasional moral hang-up about their role in environmental degradation. 4. Philosophy: being a dick to your friends. 5. Political Science: the knowledge […]
“Faults” challenges genres, conventions in an intriguing study of family, loneliness
“Faults” is a film that belongs to no one genre, or at least not one readily identifiable. While my favorite part of the film was certainly its elements of character study, there’s also much to be said of its black comedy and thriller-esque scenarios. Some media outlets go so far as to name it an […]
Right to be forgotten not right for Internet age
In the Internet age, the conflict between the right to free speech and personal privacy is becoming more and more of a heated issue. Some countries are seeking a solution in the form of the “right to be forgotten.” The right to be forgotten is a policy barely a year in the making that seeks […]
Origins of International Women’s Day
Sunday, March 8 is International Women’s Day, and in 2015 it was met with world-wide celebration. The United Kingdom led the world in hosting the most commemoratory events with more than 300 public festivities. It was followed closely by the United States, Australia, Canada and India. In China, International Women’s Day is marketed by companies […]
Sen. Ted Cruz shouldn’t run for president
Ted Cruz is the first major candidate to announce that he’s running for president in 2016. Since his election to the Senate in 2012, he has been one of the most outspoken critics of the Obama administration. He is an intelligent and skilled debater. However, Cruz’s candidacy isn’t good for the GOP. Ironically, one of […]