It seems as if TU’s campus has been blessed with a new titan of the art world in the form of Vinny Van Lux (pronounced van-lou (no relation, I promise)). Van Lux, a sophomore petroleum engineering major, has been receiving critical acclaim from such places as the Internet and his mother, for his newest, and only work, an impressionist style repainting of “Starry Night” by Vincent Van Gogh using MS Paint.
Van Lux stated in an interview that he had “never before tried art of any kind” and claimed that his inspiration for the piece was that he “got bored one day and thought it couldn’t be that hard to paint like Van Gogh. According to Van Lux the painting took about 15 minutes to finish and really “taught him about what color was.”

VInny Van Lux’s MS Paint masterpiece, a copy of “Starry Night,” has received critical acclaim from the State-Run Media, despite being ignored by most mainstream art critics and media outlets.
I took the piece to TU’s art department and asked some of the faculty about it. Some of the viewers were heard saying “Awww did you little sibling make that,” “It’s … well, it’s something,” and “It’s very postmodern, but like still really terrible.” You see, my faithful readership, this is exactly why our society should not waste its time on formal art education. Artists spend years studying their medium and practicing their craft and then they have the GALL to think that they’re allowed to have an opinion about other people’s work.
Also art is a useless endeavor and anyone who practices it will be considered an enemy of the state.
I believe this piece to be one of the greatest paintings of our generation. It is a true testament to the fact that the quality of your work isn’t determined by talent, or practice, or inspiration, but rather if you have friends in positions of power to promote your work and threaten people until they say good things about it. This piece gets the State-Run Media’s A+/10.