Kevan Buck really rocked his cosplay. graphic by Emma Palmer

Admin opens esports lounge just to play “D&D”

Admin rolls the dice with new “D&D” campaign. The esports lounge is open! It was something the student population asked for, and lo and behold the administration delivered. But could there be another reason the administration decided to build the cutting-edge facility? The first full week the esports lounge was open, students could hardly fit […]

Point-Counterpoint: Trump’s acquittal major win for president and party

The Democrats have failed to remove Trump, and in doing so, have given him more momentum. The outcome was never really in doubt, but now it is official. After countless hearings and investigations about President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine, a divided United States Senate acquitted him on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of […]

Letter to the Editor 2/10/20

The Doomsday Clock is now 100 seconds to midnight. According to the Science and Security Board Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the world has never been closer to doomsday than now: Humanity continues to face two simultaneous existential dangers — nuclear war and climate change — that are compounded by a threat multiplier, cyber-enabled information […]

Doomsday Clock overlooks daylight savings

Drunken scientists forgot to turn the clock back an hour; turns out everything’s okay! On Jan. 23, 2020, it was announced that the Doomsday Clock, a symbol of humanity’s ever-shrinking embrace with extinction, had been moved to 100 seconds to midnight. Reporters say at the time of that announcement, millions of people across the world […]

You’ve activated his trap card! graphic by Emma Palmer

Murderer plays Trump Card, charges dropped

Hans Johnson walked free after convincing the judge to ignore witnesses. Hope came to Tulsa last week in the murder trial of Hans Johnson. Johnson, who was arrested in December after he stole a newscaster’s microphone to proclaim that “[he] definitely killed three people, why yes sir,” is currently on trial for a completely different […]

Legislative Digest 2/10/20

The Legislative Digest is your weekly look at the happenings of Oklahoma’s state legislature, upcoming bills and the terms to know. HB 2940: This bill would ban the manufacture and sale of “restricted bullets” and “large-capacity ammunition magazines.” Restricted bullets are designed to expand on impact and bring down living targets quicker. Large-capacity magazines are […]

The American primary system would be better without caucuses

All but four states use primary systems, and it’s a much more democratic and accessible process. As of Friday, Feb. 7, we still don’t know who the official winner of the Iowa Democratic Caucus is. We have an idea, as Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg essentially tied in State Delegate Equivalents (don’t rack your brain […]

Louise Brooks delivers a personal and tragic performance as Thymian, the protagonist of “Diary of a Lost Girl.” courtesy Hom-Film AG

“Diary of a Lost Girl” explores the stigma of female sexuality

Circle Cinema screened this classic silent film as part of their Silent Saturday series. Every second Saturday of the month, local independent theater Circle Cinema shows a classic silent film accompanied by live organ music. The organ is an authentic 1928 fully acoustic organ originally used when Circle Cinema showed silent films. This month, Circle […]