QuickTrip Controversy?

No one pulls a fast one on us. Not even the man himself. Returning TU students were devastated last week in the wake of the 11th Street QuikTrip shutting down early August. I didn’t believe it myself, at first. I drove the length of campus three times before I finally accepted it. The building — […]

Horoscopes 9/9/2024

Aries (March 21-April 19): PSA to all Aries, getting cut off when talking is annoying, for those talking and listening, don’t butt into conversations that you don’t belong in. Nobody wants to hear your most lukewarm, middle of the road, indecisive take on politics, food and fraternity drama, loser. Taurus (April 20-May 20): Gaslighting, who […]

The Weekly Yak

The first week of a new academic year is complete, and it is with the utmost honor that I continue the series that garnered the reverence of two loyal readers: The Weekly Yak. Whether you’re new to TU — in which case, welcome — or are trying to commit to your “New Year, New Me” […]

Horoscopes 9/1/24

Aries (March 21-April 19): Repeat back to me, pink drinks are not a sufficient source of nutrients, got it. Eat your wheaties and go for a run, sitting in front of your laptop is not consistent with a healthy school life balance. See any pretty flowers while running, don’t pick them, but take time to […]

The next TU App still can’t compare to YikYak

YikYak told me to drop out. First they came for the SafeZone app, and I did not speak out – because I never even downloaded it. Then they came for the Blue Lights, and I did not speak out – because they didn’t work in the first place. Then they created SafeUTulsa, and I did […]

Horoscopes 8/25/2024

Terrible things to come, but that’s always been the case. Aries (March 21-April 19): Don’t try the Sol burger until August has come and gone, and if you do, good luck. That class that you failed last semester will surely go better this time. Pay attention to the number of people that say hello to […]

The next TU App still can’t compare to YikYak

YikYak told me to drop out. First they came for the SafeZone app, and I did not speak out – because I never even downloaded it. Then they came for the Blue Lights, and I did not speak out – because they didn’t work in the first place. Then they created SafeUTulsa, and I did […]

The Weekly Yak

Cut the cameras, our 1 hour of coming-of-age moment is over and, not for the first time, I wish the conspiracy theorists were right about it launching us into the end times. It is, however, the end of my GPA, the end of the beginning of enrollment period and the end of available apartments for […]


Aries (March 21-April 19): Allergy season approacheth Aries. The trees covered in their beautiful yellow are blooming across campus, and the pollen that comes off of them will make mucus of your nostrils. Beware the yellow dust covering your car, but celebrate your birthday with a sniffle or seven, as this year marks a change […]


Aries (March 21-April 19): Are you a psychopath, a cereal killer, or are you just really into post-modern art Aries. Either way your fits are atrocious, your music taste is mid, and you probably prefer to eat your cereal with water first, then cereal on top. And you like rice krispies, you flavor-fearing-freak. Taurus (April […]