Doomsday Clock overlooks daylight savings

Drunken scientists forgot to turn the clock back an hour; turns out everything’s okay! On Jan. 23, 2020, it was announced that the Doomsday Clock, a symbol of humanity’s ever-shrinking embrace with extinction, had been moved to 100 seconds to midnight. Reporters say at the time of that announcement, millions of people across the world […]

A collection of campus resources for sexual assault survivors. graphic by Conner Maggio

Intervention best way to combat sexual assault

Taking the initiative and stepping up during compromising situations can drastically reduce the number of sexual assaults. 10 minutes of silence resounded across the Old U as a sea of students and faculty in black stood in support of sexual assault survivors. Violence Prevention Program Coordinator Kelsey Hancock and other campus groups came together to […]

Handshake replaces Golden OpporTUnities

Handshake serves in place of Golden OpporTUnities as a hub for student internships, job positions and more. Handshake is an online job-search platform with many functions, built specifically for students. It was introduced this year as TU’s replacement for Golden OpporTUnities. Students can upload digital résumés, look at job listings, check on upcoming campus events, […]

Finding a concrete self-definition is often encouraged during the college experience, but not everyone will see such a dramatic change in themselves. graphic by Conner Maggio

Finding yourself can wait

It’s key to remain flexible and patient during college, despite the pressure to define yourself. Whether it is from stereotypes in movies and shows or our own hopes and dreams, we associate college with a lot of different personal milestones. In these four years, we search for so many things. We try to find a […]

Susan Landau, a visiting professor, advocated for civil rights organizations as a buffer between person and state. Courtesy University of Tulsa

Cybersecurity in the digital age of insecurity

Dr. Susan Landau, a visiting professor from Tufts University, discussed the conflict in the digital age between privacy and security. The age of information is in full swing, and data is the new and readily available currency. However, not everyone is happy about how easy information is to access, even if it could lead to […]

Google’s Arts & Culture app lacks class

TU undesirable used a recent update to the Google Arts & Culture app, which matches their face to a famous painting, and it ended as well as you’d expect. Yet again, Silicon Valley has slighted me. In many cases, being compared to a work of art is flattering. However, when Google tells me my selfie […]

Blue lights are scattered throughout campus and accessible to students between buildings. Photo by Michaela Flonard

Point/counterpoint: Apps, phones make blue lights obsolete

New technology has made the blue lights on campus effectively useless, and the money could be better spent elsewhere. The University of Tulsa blue lights: what exactly do these lights provide? Security or false hope? There was a time when these lights were exactly what college campuses needed, but that time has passed. Before cell […]