Letter from SA

First off, I am humbled that the student body has put faith in me to serve as the SA Presi-
dent for this upcoming year. I stand by what I said on my platform: SA will become more

efficient, innovative, and sustainable. In order to achieve this, we are going to need help.
We need you.
During the campaign season, the most valuable thing I got to do was sit down and have
genuine conversations with people of diverse backgrounds. They each had their own ideas

and different things to bring to the table. I believe any student who has any desire to make
our campus better has this ability. If you want to make a critical impact at TU, I am asking
for you to join us. We will find a place for you on SA.

This past election taught us a lot of things. Our ability to listen to students needs to drasti-
cally improve. This is something we haven’t been the best at, but we are only getting better.

We also learned that SA has failed many students. The current system leaves some students

feeling excluded and frustrated. As we progress, we need to find more ways for organiza-
tions and people to become involved in SA while expanding the horizon for opportunities.

This will restore our reputation.

If you are willing to make our organization a place for all, I ask that you join me in this
quest of inclusion for SA. We are certainly ready for you.

—Conner Bender

Post Author: tucollegian